Saturday, November 14, 2009


A teenager who seemed unhappy were common. However, please be aware when such unhappiness continued until more than two weeks. There are many reasons why a teenager was not happy. A stressful environment can trigger depression. With the depression, can arise guilty feelings, decrease in school performance, social interaction, menyimpangnya sexual orientation, and disruption of family life in adolescents.

Depression is a serious disorder that can affect thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and general health. Depression did not know the age. Old, young, adults, even teenagers can get depressed. Triggered by a trivial problem, could have depressed teenagers do things that are not public imaginable. The most dangerous of the depression is the emergence of suicide ideation or suicide attempts.

Depression is ..
Depression is a specific mental disorder characterized by feelings of sadness, despair, loss of spirit, feeling guilty, slow in thinking, and decreased motivation to perform activities.

Depression is a sign ..
Consider the following signs to determine the existence of depression in adolescents:

* Feeling sad, anxious, and had no hope
* No appetite, or eat a lot and that causes a decrease in weight gain in a short time
* Wake up at night, but slept through the afternoon
* Pulling away from his friends, depressed
* Activities and achievements in school decreased, decreased motivation and interest
* Easily angry and offended, be sensitive to criticism
* Low self and feel very guilty
* The concentration decreases, difficult decisions
* The change in eating or sleeping habits
* Having a mind to commit suicide

If these signs occur several days to several weeks, should be consulted on health personnel. Treatment can be done by way of talking therapy, or using drugs.

Depression in Adolescent Medicine is ..
There are various methods of therapy that can be done for depressed adolescents. Health personnel will consider the appropriate method for each individual. Among others by using cognitive behavioral therapy, psychotherapy psychodinamic, interpersonal psychoterapy, supportif therapy or using drugs.

Input for Parents is ..
Being a parent of a teenager is a challenge. Some communication techniques will be required and assist parents in membasarkan teenager.

* When disciplining children, not by punishing and shaming. Replace punishment with providing solutions to help children with a good way. Punishment and shame can make an adolescent feel worthless
* Let your teenager make a mistake. Attitude overproteksi or parents who always took the decision to make teens make them believe that they do not have the ability. This can create trust him less.
* Provide space for youth to 'breathe'. Do not expect them to do something exactly as you wish parents.
* Not forcing kids to have activities and experiences with you as a teenager first.
* If you suspect that a child suffering from depression, give time to listen to the problem. Although ana think that the problem is not a serious problem. Open communication between parents and children are important, especially when children show symptoms of resistance.
* Take time to listen to their problems without criticism or judgmental.
* Do not underestimate what they feel, sometimes teens have an overreaction to a problem, but parents should try to understand that what they feel is happening.
* Sometimes teenagers do not seek advice or solutions to their problems, rather the support and acceptance, so whatever happens make sure the teenager that you would always accompany and assist them whenever needed
* Once the teen was ready to convey their problems, do not cut off by the interruption or trying to, just listen to their stories.

If it is a problem that occurs is beyond the capacity of the youth and your own, tell them about the possibility of existing conditions and discuss alternative ways that the problem can be helped.

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